28 days of workouts, a diet plan, daily tick lists & rituals

Burn Fat, Sculpt Your Body, Lift Your Glutes

Reduce Bloating, Feel Lighter

Gain confidence, self-trust, discipline and commitment to yourself

JOIN BY 29/4/24 and access a motivating WhatsApp group to Connect with myself & a group of likeminded women as we transform through the 28 days!


For Summer

28 days of gym workouts and cardio targets

Tone your arms & sculpt your back

Sculpt lean legs & lift your glutes

define your abs

Feel lean, toned & strong

Gain self trust, confidence & discipline

Powered through an app on your smartphone

Exercise demo videos embedded for each exercise

Learn how to change your training throughout your hormonal cycle

28 days of gym based workouts all powered through an easy to use app. Where you can log your weights, track your workouts and click the embedded exercises demo videos to ensure you perform each exercise correctly.

The workouts have been designed specifically including exercises that will lift your glutes, tone your arms, sculpt your back and shoulders, give you lean definition in your legs and sculpt your abs!

A 28 day diet plan including healthy recipes that support your gut health and include skin boosting & serotonin boosting ingredients, so you can feel your best from the inside, out.

Burn fat, Reduce bloating & wake Up feeling light Each day

healthier hair and skin

less cravings, feel Satisfied with Your food

higher energy

Learn how to change your diet throughout your hormonal cycle


The diet plan has a high focus on animal proteins and healthy fats in the form of dairy products and so isn’t suited to vegan or plant based.

The workouts are designed for those with gym access as a lot of the workouts include gym machines.

This is a fat loss and lean sculpting program. You will burn fat whilst noticing your body toning up. This is not an ideal program for you if you want to gain weight or build large amounts of muscle mass.

Yes. This program is suitable for absolutely anybody.